

Current research includes:

  1. What techniques help people change the way they use their voice
  2. Whether a simple momentary vocal exercise can be used to improve the sound of the voice


Madill, C., & McCabe, P. (2013). Current Voice Research in Australia: Instrumental analysis of professional voice users. In E. Yiu & E. Ma (eds) Multilingual Voice Intervention. Plural Publications; San Diego.

Madill, C., & McCabe, P. (2013). Analysis of professional voice users in the clinical setting. In E. Yiu & E. Ma (eds) International Perspectives on Voice Disorders. Multilingual Matters; Bristol UK. (ISBN -13: 978-1-84769-873-5

Madill, C. & McCabe, P. (2011) Ch 18, Acoustic Analysis using freeware: PRAAT. Pp 231-251. In E.Ma & E.Yiu (eds). Handbook of Voice Assessments. Plural Publications; San Diego. ISBN 1-59756-364-2

 Madill, C. (2011) Spoken Voice Raining Research – An Australian Perspective. Voice and Speech Across Culture and other contemporary issues in professional voice and speech training Knight, D. (Ed) Voice & Speech Trainers Association. Philadelphia ISBN 978-0-9773876-3-2

  • Madill, C., Nguyen, D., Eastwood, C, Heard, R. & Warhurst, S. (in press, accepted June 2018) Comparison of Cepstral Peak Prominence measures using the ADSV, SpeechTool and VoiceSauce acoustic analysis programs in vocally healthy female speakers. Acoustics  Australia

Crocco, L., McCabe, P &. Madill, C.  (in press, accepted February 2018) Principles of motor learning in one-to-one classical singing training: A pilot study Journal of Voice 

Look, C., McCabe, P. Heard, R. &  Madill, C. (2018). Show and Tell: Video Modeling and Instruction without Feedback improves performance but is not sufficient for retention of a Complex Voice Motor Skill. Journal of Voice  DOI

Madill, C., Warhurst, S.& McCabe,P. (2017): The Stakeholder Model of voice research: Acknowledging barriers to human rights of all stakeholders in a communicative exchange, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Page1-4. DOI: 0.1080/17549507.2017.1400102

Madill, C., C. Sheard, and R. Heard (2017) Are Instructions to Manipulate Specific Parameters of Laryngeal Function Associated with Auditory-Perceptual Ratings of Voice Quality in Nondisordered Speakers? Journal of Voice. 31(4): p. 504.e21-504.e33.

Crocco, L., Madill, C., & McCabe, P. (2017). Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning Frameworks for Classical Singing Training: A Systematic Review. Journal of Voice 31 (1), 130.e7-130.e17.DOI:10.1016/j.jvoice.2015.12.001.

Warhurst, S., Madill,C.,  McCabe, P. Heard, R., Ternström, S. & Yiu, E. (2017). Perceptual and Acoustic Measurement of Good Voice Quality in Male Radio Performers Journal of Voice 31 (2), 259.e1–259.e12

Blyth, K., McCabe, P., Madill, C., & Ballard, K.J. (2016). Ultrasound Visual Feedback – Articulation Therapy Following Partial Glossectomy. Journal of Communication Disorders. 61

Blyth, K., McCabe, P., Madill, C. & Ballard K.J. (2015). Speech and swallow rehabilitation following partial glossectomy: A systematic review. International Journal of Speech Language Pathology. (). DOI 10.3109/17549507.2014.979880 PMID 25515427

Eastwood, C. , Madill, C., & McCabe, P. (2015). The Behavioural Treatment of Muscle Tension Voice Disorders: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Speech Language Pathology 17 (3) 287-303 DOI 10.3109/17549507.2015.1024169 

Jocelyne-May, C., Madill, C., Thorpe, W. & McCabe, P. (2015). The Effect of Clinician-Feedback Type in the Pre-Practice Acquisition of a Vocal Siren. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedia 67 (2) 57-67 DOI: 10.1159/000371884

Stone, D., McCabe, P., Palme, C.E., Heard, R., Eastwood, C., & Madill, C. (2015). Voice Outcomes Following Transoral Laser Microsurgery for Early Glottic Cancer - Considering Signal Type and Smoothed Cepstral Peak Prominence. Journal of Voice. 29 (3), 370-381. DOI 10.1016/j.jvoice.2014.08.018. PMID 25301299

Blyth, K., McCabe, P., Heard, R., Clark, J. & Madill, C., Ballard K.J.,  (2014). Cancers of the tongue and floor of mouth: five- year file audit within the acute phase. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology 23(4):668-78 PMID 2508917

Blyth, K., McCabe, Madill, C.  & P. Ballard K.J. (2014). Speech and swallow rehabilitation following partial glossectomy: A systematic review. International Journal of Speech Language Pathology. Published online on December 17, 2014. DOI:10.3109/17549507.2014.979880.

Warhurst, S., Yiu, E., McCabe, P., Wang, G., S. & Madill, C. (2014). Quantitative Measurement of Vocal Fold Vibration in Male Radio Performers and Healthy Controls using High-Speed Videoendoscopy. PLoS One Published: June 27, 2014 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101128.

Chan, A., Madill, C. & McCabe, P. (2013). The Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in the Management of Functional Voice Disorders in Adults: A National Survey of Speech Language Pathologists. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 15(3): 334–344 PMID 23642210  doi: 10.3109/17549507.2013.783110.

 Warhurst, S., McCabe, P. & Madill, C. (2013). What Makes a Good Voice for Radio: Perceptions of Radio Employers and Educators. Journal of Voice. 27 (2) 217- 224 (Impact: 1.555) ERA B PMID 23159029 doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2012.08.010

Warhurst, S., McCabe, P., Yiu, E., Heard, R. & Madill, C., (2013) Acoustic Characteristics of Male Commercial and Public Radio Broadcast Voices. Journal of Voice 27 (5) 655 e1-7.

Warhurst, S., Madill, C., McCabe, P. Heard, R. & Yiu, E. (2012). The Vocal Clarity of Female Speech-Language Pathology Students: An Exploratory Study Journal of Voice. 26, 63-68PMID: 21439779 doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2010.10.008

Signorelli, M. Madill, C. & McCabe, P. (2011). The Management of Vocal Fold Nodules in Children: A National Survey of Speech Language Pathologists. International Journal of Speech Language Pathology. 13(3): 227–238. DOI: 10.3109/17549507.2011.549570 PMID: 21381977

McIlwaine, A. Madill, C. & McCabe, P. (2010). Voice Therapy Prepractice and the Principles of Motor Learning. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing.12 (1) 29-35 

Madill, C., Sheard, C. & Heard, R. (2010) Differentiated vocal tract control and the reliability of interpretations of nasendoscopic assessment. Journal of Voice Volume 24, 3, Pp 337- ERA B PMID: 21439779 doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2010.10.008

McCabe, P., Purcell, A., Baker, E., Madill, C, & Trembath, D. (2009). Case based learning: One route to evidence based practice. Evidence-based Communication Assessment and Intervention. 3 (4) 208 - 219 

Madill, C. (2001) Differentiated vocal tract control in the treatment of voice disorders. ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing., (3), 59-62.

Walzak, P., McCabe, P. Madill, C. & Sheard, C. (2008). The acoustic effects of actor voice training after 12 months of actor training. Journal of Voice. 22 (3) 300- 313 PMID: 17512170. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2006.10.006

Under review

Madill, C., Nguyen, D., Cham, K., Novakovic, D. & McCabe, P. (under review) The impact of nasalance on cepstral peak prominence and harmonics-to-noise ratio. The Laryngoscope.

Black, R., Madill, C., McCabe P., Glanville, A. Bogaardt, H., and MacDonald, P. (under review) Oropharyngeal Dysphagia and Dysphonia after Lung and/or Heart Transplant: a systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation.


Dr Madill is regularly invited to share her expertise with the media. A selection of her appearances and publications is below:

What is music? Episode 1 ABC iView, 31st July, 2018

  • Why do we love a good beat? Does classical music really make you smarter? Join triple j's Linda Marigliano and composer Dan Golding as they explore the electrifying fusion of emotion and science in music. In Epsiode 1, we find out what parts of the body get used when a singer belts out a tune? We go to a voice lab and meet Dr Cate Madill to find out.

Why do our voices change as we get older?, ABC 702, 18th July, 2017

  • Have you ever noticed that you can tell a person's age by their voice?
    Why are we slightly higher and squeakier when we're young? Why do our voices crackle when we're older. Dr Cate Madill, Director of the Voice Research Laboratory at Sydney University took us through all the ways in which our voice changes with us.

What the fry?, ABC RN, 7 August 2015

  • Vocal fry is a cultural phenomenon that’s becoming increasingly popular in young women. The speech pattern occurs when the voice enters a register lower than it’s really capable of, resulting in a creaking or growling sound. The linguistic trend has been labelled ‘a debilitating speaking disorder’ and accused of disempowering women, particularly in the workplace.

Why do boys’ voices break?, Canberra Times, July 31 2014

  • “Commonly known as the “teste pops” the “breaking” of the male voice is not the violent event that the name suggests.”

Secrets of a Great Radio VoiceABC, 15 July 2014

  • “There is an element of a radio voice that is incredibly distinctive but it’s incredibly difficult to isolate and measure.”

Tony Abbott becomes a slow-talking PM, Sydney Morning Herald, 19 Jan 2014

  • ”Since he’s become Prime Minister his speech rate has dropped considerably,” Dr Madill said. ”He repeats himself far more often, he never used to repeat what he said, but now he will repeat phrases two or three times in close proximity and he’s far more fluent, he doesn’t have what we call disfluencies and fillers, that is the um, ahs and long pauses. In that sense his speech is far less interrupted, but he’s also slower, much more monotone than he was, with much less pitch variation than he used before.”

Professor McCabe is also regularly invited to share her knowledge, expertise and experience in speech sound disorders with the media. 

Speech Development & Literacy, Fathers Unfiltered Podcast, 11 July 2019
